National Technical University of Athens
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Microelectronic Circuit Design Group

Benchmark Evaluation of MOSFET Models (BEMOS)

Benchmark Evaluation of MOSFET Models (BEMOS) is a program developed in the Cadence programming language (SKILL). It requires Cadence release 5.1.41 or newer to properly run. It is independent of the operating system environment, meaning that it works in every OS that Cadence supports (HP-UX, Solaris, Linux).
BEMOS is used to easily perform benchmark tests on MOS models. It supports both NMOS and PMOS models written for the Spectre simulator. It also supports MOS devices build as a subcircuit structure.

System Requirements: Cadence release 5.1.41.

If you are interested in a free copy of the program or if you have any questions please send an e-mail to
If you would like a copy of BEMOS, please, fill in this form and include it as an attachment in the e-mail.

Currently supported are the following IEEE recommended tests (more information available here):


1.      I-V characteristics

A.     Playbacks of Id and gd versus Vds in saturation region, for wide/long and wide/short devices. The playbacks are for Vsb=0 and Vsb=Vdd, Vgs=Vth-0.15, Vth, Vth+0.15, and 3 values of Vgs equally spaced between Vth and Vdd, and Vds swept from 0 to Vdd in 0.02 V steps.

B.     Playbacks of Id and gm versus Vgs in threshold region, for wide/long, wide/short, narrow/long, and narrow/short devices. The playbacks are for Vds=0.1 (5 Vsb values) and Vgs swept from 0 to Vdd in 0.02 V steps.

C.     Playbacks of Id and gm versus Vgs in subthreshold region, for wide/long, wide/short, narrow/long, and narrow/short devices. The playbacks are for Vds=Vdd (5 Vsb values) and Vgs swept from 0 to Vdd in 0.02 V steps.


2.      Tsividis-Suyama tests

A.     Playbacks of Id, gm, and gm/Id versus Vgs in saturation region, for wide/long, wide/short, narrow/long, and narrow/short devices. The playbacks are for Vds=Vdd and Vgs swept from 0 to Vdd in 0.02 V steps.

B.     Playbacks of Id and gd versus Vds in saturation region, for wide/long, wide/short, narrow/long, and narrow/short devices. The playbacks are for Vds=Vdd and Vgs swept from 0 to Vdd in 0.02 V steps.

C.     AC test to determine whether or not the quasi-static approximation is being used in the MOSFET model.

D.     Thermal noise test of a device biased with a fixed Vgs in strong inversion and at Vds=0. Under these conditions the channel is a resistor of value R=1/gd and should show a thermal noise voltage with power spectral density of 4·K·T·R.

E.      Flicker noise test of a device in strong inversion saturation. The flicker noise should decrease 10x for a 10x decrease in channel width. It also should be insensitive in Vgs changes.


3.      Isat tests

A.     Isat is plotted over temperature.

B.     Isat is plotted over channel length of the MOS device.

C.     Isat is plotted over channel width of the MOS device.


4.      Fine grid tests

A.     Playbacks of Id and gm versus Vgs in threshold region, for wide/long, wide/short, narrow/long, and narrow/short devices. The playbacks are for Vds=0.1 (5 Vsb values) and for 1000 values of Vgs swept from 0 to Vdd.

B.     Playbacks of Id and gd versus Vds in saturation region, for wide/long and wide/short devices. The playbacks are for Vsb=0 and Vsb=Vdd, Vgs=Vth-0.15, Vth, Vth+0.15, and 3 values of Vgs equally spaced between Vth and Vdd, and for 1000 values of Vgs swept from 0 to Vdd.

C.     This test is similar to the test above, but is done at one Vgs value over a narrow range of Vds values around saturation.


5.      Gummel tests

A.     Gummel symmetry test.

B.     Slope ratio test.

C.     Treetop curve test.


6.      C-V characteristics

A.     Gate capacitances (Cgs+Cgd, Cgb, and Cgg=Cgs+Cgd+Cgb) for wide/long, wide/short, narrow/long, and narrow/short devices, are plotted over a fine Vgb grid (0.01 V step from -Vdd to Vdd) for Vds=0 and Vdd/2 and for Vsb=0 and Vdd.

B.     9 independent capacitance coefficients (Cgs, Cgd, Cdg, Cbs, Cbd, Cdb, Cgb, Csd, Cbg) for wide/long, wide/short, narrow/long, and narrow/short devices are plotted over a fine Vdb grid (0.01 V step from -Vth to Vdd) for Vgs=Vdd (so operation is in strong inversion) and Vsb=0.

A snapshot of Cadence's CIW with BEMOS loaded is presented in the following picture.

The form for setting up the necessary information for BEMOS is depicted below.

The form for selecting the tests is shown below.

Some example plots and a sample output report file are given below.

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